Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blog experience

Hello classmates this is the last blog and I´ll talk about the blogging experience. I think is a good instance for the students because we can practice our writing and the teacher made suggestions and corrections to the students. In my case a took really seriously this instance, because I expanse my vocabulary, when I was in the school I wrote in English but not with frequency.

I like read my classmates blogs and put a comment because I can learn more about them. The most hard about the blogs is the minimum words, because I´m so bad for write, in Spanish or English.
I need stay very inspired for can write more words than requested. About the google translate I think is a good choose not to use it  because many people have a wrong idea about the quality on this tool. Is great for translate short text but very bad for longer text, more if you translate to English a Spanish text.

In conclusion I liked the experience of  post blogs, because we write about some topics the teacher gave us and we need bring our opinion, my favourite blog was in the free topic week because I was post a blog of anything I like, an experience, my favourite series,anything.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bicycle travel

Hi everyone, today I will talk about a travel I did with 6 friends last year.
We traveled to "Lagunillas" on bicycle and I need say of this journey is so hard, because if you don´t have the experience riding bicycle or don´t have physical resist is so hard of you can arrive. The problem of this travel are the steep route and if you don´t have a good bicycle are more harder.

I didnt have a bicycle but for the travel but my friend Felipe who had two bicycles share with me one of them. We started the travel from San Jose de Maipo square because Felipe lives close of there. Lagunillas is 17 kilometers for the square,but in the kilometer number 7, 3 of my friends were so exhausted for the steep route so we need stoped to rest. In that time we had lunch.
After that we advance 5 kilometers more but it were impossible for us travel more, because the route was so hard,we are exhausted . We decided rest in the kilometer number 12 and comeback to the San Jose de Maipo square. The gratifying is the return route because if the route are steep for Lagunillas, to the San Jose square the route is descent and you don´t need pedal. We made careers to high speed when we are back.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Today I´m talk about Santiago. This city is the capital of Chile here you can find a lot of activities.
Many people think Santiago is better than other cities or is worse, I think is both because Santiago is the great capital you can find what you want but is so polluted and if you don´t have a car maybe you be crazy with the public transport. In the other hand you can enjoy very much, if you like shopping Santiago is your city because there are a lot of malls.
I think the worse of Santiago is the public transport because the rate is so expensive, the student rate are more economic but the administration of Transantiago an now called Red leaves much desired.

I think if the government upgrade the public transport more people will use it, for other hand maybe build more bike route the cars will be much necessary.

For the foreign of the region I recommend visit places like the Buin zoo of Metropolitan zoo if like the animals if you are with kids MIM is a great choice, for shopping you can go to Costanera Center and see Santiago from the altitude. Another good panorama is amusement park Fantasilandia for young people on other site if you are with your family you can visit Santa Lucia Hill or San Cristobal Hill.
I recommend not stay so late in the center of Santiago is dangerous, and not eat on fast food restaurants.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Today the strikes of teachers is a current issue, they are protest for the government decision. In my opinion the teachers are in their right, because their profession is so hard but what we would without professors, I mean when we are children our parents learn us but wen we have 6 years or less we enter in the school, and we stay there for 12 years, we share and learn more at school than with our parents.
The profession of teacher is so hard because you need be compromised with the students they work and they must be better professionals than they already are. For me that is the definition of a good teacher, and how I know, well my school teachers have this profile and I think they made a good person capable of facing the university.
I think the teacher job is undervalued in comparison of they do for the society, is right the strike because is the only way of the authorities listen their complaint.

Talking about the university education in Chile I can say it is good but with one condition, is so expensive and not all can study, for example last year in the school I had a lot of friend who wanted study medicine but only one is enter to study this career in this university. Its hard enter study first because points of you need for enter to the career and second is the tariff, not all can pay of university and the same time not all be benefit with the "Gratuidad" for that´s why I think that education in Chile is good but is has much to improve.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Hi everyone today I will talk to you about the laboratory work, because is one of the works of I want do when I finished Chemistry and Pharmacy career.
Well I divide my presentation in three steps, first I will talk you why I like this work, Second I will talk about what work do in the laboratory the chemistry and pharmacy and the end I talk about of a friend work in a laboratory.

I like this work because in my first semester of the university I got a class called laboratory techniques, if this class is basic I like so much because I do a lot experiments I don´t had the opportunity in the school.
The laboratory work is so extend, you can do investigations, synthesize medicines or make chemistry reactions for want new molecules.
I have a friend who work in the laboratory his name is Diego and he is next to finished the Chemistry and pharmacy career he stay in the fifth year of the career and he told me if I like the Chemistry and I want investigate the chemistry and pharmacy career is for because I have so many work areas. So that is all and I´m here.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

My favourite serie

When I was a child my brother and I saw a lot of anime series, ETC channel was my favourite in this time. We saw animes like Conan detective, black Jack, pokemon, saint seiya. But my favourite serie until today is slam dunk, this serie is about how Hanamichi Sakuragi start play basketball, the cause of that is for impress Haruko, she encourages Sakuragi to practice and improve but in the team stay Rukawa, he is so popular and play so good basketbool, he is the Hanamichi´s rival because Haruko is in love Him.

I like this serie because I started to see it when I was 6 years old, in that moment in my house there was not tv cable, so I was going to my grandmother´s house for can saw the serie. Also slam dunk motivated me to practice basketball because Hanamichi teached me anyone can be a good player with training. I enjoy this serie for the characters, the comedy of theirs and how they become a good team and friends.

I like so much this serie that before each basketball match I listen the opening song to motivate me and do a good work in the court. The final of the serie is so good but I listened the manga writer is back and will follow with the history, this make me so happy.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


When I was at school I need took a decision of I want study humanities of science finally I decided study science and I´m not repentant of my decision because in chemistry I can share with 10 classmates more and learn so much with our professor. I really like Chemistry and I want work in the health area, but I don´t want study medicine, my professor recommended me study Chemistry and Pharmacy because mix the two areas that I like. For that I decide study Chemistry and Pharmacy in Universidad de Chile.

Investigating about the career I discovered that professionals work in laboratories and hospitals, they can work in more areas and not only in the pharmacy how the most of people think, the most important work of the Chemistry Pharmacy is synthesize and provide drugs and for that they needed the tools for make investigations, the technological advances help so much.

When I finish of study I want go out of Chile for do a post grade and work in a laboratory for do investigations and contribute to scientist community.